Many people may not dare to use oil on their skin. For fear that the skin will be greasy and clog pores. But did you know that using oils extracted from natural plants has been a popular method for nourishing the skin and hair for a long time? If you choose to apply a type of skin oil that is appropriate for your skin type, it will help nourish and moisturize the skin without making it oily or clogging the skin.
Oils used for applying to the skin are generally extract from natural plants. There are many types. Each type provides different nourishments, such as moisturizing the skin. Helps reduce redness. And helps reduce irritation from acne and rosacea. In this Promotion ufabet, we have gathered together the benefits and how to choose skin oils that are suitable for your skin type.
Coconut oil: Coconut oil is the oil obtain from the extraction of coconuts. which can be done in many different forms It converts the fatty acids in coconut meat into oil. As for coconut oil, it is rich in vitamin E. Therefore helps nourish the skin deeply. It can also be use to fight fungus and bacteria. In addition, coconut oil also helps protect the hair from various problems. It also helps protect the skin from dryness.
Jojoba oil: Jojoba oil is one of the natural oils use as an ingredient in skin care creams. Because this type of oil is an oil that can be use for all skin types. Whether it’s skin with acne problems, sunburned skin, including skin with psoriasis problems. However, jojoba oil cannot be use in its pure form alone. But it should be dilut first. This is so that the oil has a structure that is most similar to the oil on human skin.
Shea butter: Shea butter is fat extract from the nuts of the shea tree. Shea butter has often been use as an ingredient in skin care creams or cosmetics for a long time. Because it is a natural oil with a high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids. Shea butter also has many important ingredients such as oleic acid, stearic acid, and linoleic acid. These acids will help to be quickly absorb into the skin. Therefore making the skin smoother, softer and more moisturized.
Rosehip Oil Rosehip: oil is the oil obtained from the extraction of rosehip seeds. It is a natural oil rich in essential fatty acids. It also contains vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and beta-carotene. All of these nutrients have the ability to help fight aging. Helps reduce dark spots and scars. Including helping to retain the moisture of the skin very well.
Argan: oil Argan oil is oil obtain from the extraction of argan fruits. It is classified as a natural oil that is considered a moisturizer that has the power to nourish the skin in all forms. Argan oil is also rich in vitamin E. essential fatty acids And also has antioxidants. It also has a light texture and is not sticky. Therefore suitable for daily skin care use.